Link is a system of desks which makes an efficient use of work space due to a creation of the ‘island groups’ of two or three work stations, or linear compositions for a greater number of employees. With its integrated tables Link assists interaction between different teams and promotes the efficiency and motivation of the employees. The cabinets serve as partitions between different functional spaces.


Single desk

Length: 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200см

Depth: 60 / 80см

Height: 73см

Bench composition

Length: 120 / 140 / 160 / 180 / 200см

Depth: 122 / 162см

Height: 73см

Conference table

Length: 100 / 120 / 160 / 180 / 200 / 240 / 260 / 280 / 300 / 320 / 360 / 400см

Depth: 100 / 122 / 162см

Height: 73см